june 6, 2023

blog post #1

okay, hi guys, so. for my first blog post, let us start with the stuff that has most recently been going on. i got covid (in fucking 2023, embarassing i know) and lost, like, looooads of friends. it wasn't anyone's fault, the friendgroup just kind of ditched me, which sucked because it was totally the mainstain of my high school life but oh well. it gives me more time to really get things ready for the future, which is how i am choosing to look at it. yesterday, before i knew i had covid, my exbf came over and he made me feel better about it. (dw, we're good friends but not in, like, a weird way.) i started up this website, which was a total battle since i was groggy from the insane amount of cough syrup i'm on, yet i have succeeded and have this beautiful sight to show for it! huzzah! okayy what else... oh right! i finished "someone who will love you in all your damaged glory" by raphael bob-waksberg. if his name sounds familiar, that's because it is. he's the writer of bojack horseman, one of my favorite shows. (yeah, i take ssri pills.) i will keep my review for the review page, linked here. anyway- it was pretty good, and it was a one-day couch-read, as i call them. now, i am onto great expecations, since i remarkably haven't read that much dickens! i've read oliver twist, tale of two cities, and a christmas carol but that's about it. so i thought i'd take this one for a spin. i'm reading it with my good friend, M, in our 2 person book club. (the name is yet to be created.)

well, thanks for reading my first blog post!

see you soon,

t <3

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