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july 7, 2023

blog post #10

gah!!!! australia has been SOO hectic, let me tell you. i haven't even had the chance to type my college essay stuff, or finish door = jar. it's bonkers. i swear, i get up at 7 am and i go to bed at 9 pm. this is the most normal my sleep has been since i was about 9 years of age. it's honestly kind of refreshing. but yeah, it's been go-time 24/7 here.

my gran has been impossible to deal with; she seems to find fault in everyone and anything. just yesterday, she didn't like that my latte came in this cute little cup and not a mug. it's crazy, and a little embarassing. she had me perform for her senior center, which went surprisingly well! i like performing, especially when i can sing with my guitar. i've done a lot of guitar shows so it was pretty comfortable. even with my acrylic nails, i managed to do some finger picking folk tunes. but GOD, the food was AWFUL. think hospital food but actually infinitely worse. and ALL THE OLD PEOPLE INSISTED IT WAS GOOD!

it begs the question: as you get older, does your taste decline, or does food get better? i can't figure it out, but that was anything but a good meal. and i've lived on a boat.

some days have been pretty rough, too. like today. everyone has been bickering, and it's tiresome. we couldn't do much in the city today because one of my family members is seriously unwell. i don't wish to soudn selfish at all or by any means but i wish i could go out and have fun on my summer break without worrying about all the adults around me, which seems to be a reoccurring pattern in my life. such it is.

but that is alright! i bought some new books, and i very keen to start them. i bought one on ancient rome, another on the year 1922 around the world, and finally an exploration of rothschild family. wonderful selection! hopefully, i'll start having the time to read them.

i am doing my sincere best to stay afloat these days. but i barely have the time to eat a meal and when i do, i find i have no appetite.'s not the most wonderful of times. this isn't a vacation; as my mother has been saying, "this is a duty call." and she sure is right.

talk soon,

- t xx

p.s. - nice messages in the chat would be nice to read, if i'm being honest. love you all <3

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