Pink Transparent Star

july 3, 2023

blog post #9

finally, i have landed safe and sound in Australia. as you read, i am probably drinking a flat white and eating a toastie, and updating my girlblog in the perfect little trainside cafe. it's good to be back.

after that insane travel process, it has reminded me that ... maybe living in your hometown isn't that bad! but then again, if i still have to see 88% the people that go to my high school after senior year around me, i might go postal.

today, i'm off to see relatives. not many of them are living but the few that are certainly suffice - i'm glad to see them. i adjusted pretty well to the time zone, remarkably, having slept from 9 pm to 7 am my time. veryyy grateful for that.

i also started reading lapvona by ottessa moshfegh. it's the only one of her pieces i haven't yet read, and i'm totally delighted with it, so far. besides her novella McGlue, everything is set in the late 20th and current 21st century, making it a pleasant surprise to find this one in the middle ages. i fucking love the middle ages.

i'm suffering from a total hair-tastrophe. i have naturally super, super curly hair and my revlon dryer doesn't work on the sockets here (what!!!) and now i'm stuck with the moooost insane frizzy hair i've had since i was 14. it's a complete and utter unwelcomed flashback. i feel like i'm in eighth grade again, and a godforgotten dweeb. thank god for flat irons, good genes, and late bloomers.

so i'm off to try and find a way to tame this awful hairdo, be it an impromptu appointment or an australian straightner.


- t xx

p.s. i set up a space hey and it's the best thing maybe ever???

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